Sugar 101 – Understanding the Ingredients in our Nutrition Beverage

Part of our “Nutrition 101” series with Cynthia Wigutow, Registered Dietitian When choosing the right nutrition supplement, it’s essential to understand the ingredients—especially sugars. Many of us aim to be mindful of our sugar intake, but when it comes to supplements, not all sugars are the same. If you have ever glanced at a supplement […]
Holiday eating for those trying to gain weight

Q&A with Cynthia Wigutow, Registered Dietitian As the holiday season approaches, many of us begin to look forward to festive meals, family gatherings, and delicious seasonal treats. However, for those trying to gain weight, this time of year presents unique challenges and opportunities. To provide expert advice on navigating holiday eating while maintaining healthy weight […]
Weight Gain Requires a Varied Approach

As a registered dietitian, I have seen people throughout my career who experience weight loss and are in need of making their way back to a healthy weight. While the news and social media are inundated with ads for products and services that help people looking to lose weight, there are thousands of people across […]
Creating an effective nutritional beverage: A Q&A with regular consumers

Nutritional beverages, or meal replacements as some call them, have been around for almost 50 years helping people looking to address weight loss due an eating disorder, chronic disease, illness, or simply old age. These types of drinks contain significantly more calories (and often more protein) per serving than regular foods and, if used regularly, […]
High-Calorie Beverages to Fuel Your Run!

Nutritional drinks, particularly those with high calories, are helpful for those who struggle to gain weight and muscle mass. We’re also now hearing that they are also being used by to support athletes. For those who regularly take part in vigorous exercises and activities, having a high-calorie beverage that can be consumed quickly with easy […]

A physician discusses calories, protein, fats and how to read nutrition labels to help you put on healthy weight and prevent unintentional weight loss.
Challenges of being underweight & benefits of nutrition beverages: Q&A with Jennifer Yan, RD

Jennifer Yan is a registered dietitian based out of South San Francisco, California. We recently sat down with her to learn about why people have trouble gaining weight and loss of appetite and to discuss the benefits of high-calorie drinks such as Reason’s Nutrition Beverage.
Nutrition During Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy can take a huge toll on you. If you start experiencing side effects like nausea or mouth sores that make it hard for you to eat, be sure to tell your medical team right away.